Micro Current Tightening

Although we don’t often think of electricity when we think of skincare, this novel cosmetic treatment uses potent pulses of low voltage micro currents to stimulate production of collagen and elastin, the body’s skin-smoothing proteins that get depleted with age. This procedure also works to realign and strengthen the skin’s underlying muscles for a tighter, more toned facial appearance.

Micro current tightening is relaxing, painless, and won’t cost you any downtime. The micro current energy is so minimal that it does not produce any sensation. It simply targets sagging, tired skin at a deep cellular level to correct itself, resulting in a more youthful glow and revitalized facial contours. With micro current tightening, the jowls, cheeks, eyebrows and chin are all tightened and lifted, while overall muscle tone is much improved. Get a Addison skin tightening treatment you can trust and love.

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Learn more about micro current tightening

If you are interested in this groundbreaking cosmetic procedure, the first step is to set up a confidential consultation with one of our top aestheticians at our Addison office. During this initial session, the practitioner will examine your skin and help you to decide if micro current tightening is right for your needs and lifestyle. At The Refresh Med Spa, we will provide some of the best treatments for skin tightening Addison has to offer. We will answer any questions, and also introduce you to our fabulous before and after photographic library so you can better imagine your results.

“Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.”

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